Get a Buyer's Advantage By Being Pre-Approved

Establishing your pre-approval status and how much you qualify for will be huge advantage in your home search. Not only will you be able to narrow your home search to listings that you know you can afford, but you give your realtor and sellers the confidence that you are serious about buying your dream home. We make this process painless and straightforward! Find out how we can help!


Have Matt Dorsey Contact Me About

CMG Mortgage, Inc. dba CMG Home Loans dba CMG Financial, NMLS# 1820, is an equal housing lender. Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #15438. Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act No. 4150025. AZ license #0903132. Registered Mortgage Banker with the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending. Licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission #MC-5521. Offer of credit is subject to approval. To verify our complete list of state licenses, please visit and CMG Mortgage, Inc. is an equal housing lender, licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act No. 4150025.; CO - 100506499; Regulated by the Division of Real Estate.; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #15438; Massachusetts Mortgage Lender License #MC1820; Registered Mortgage Banker with the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending.; Tennessee Mortgage License # 109401; Licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission #MC-5521. (

Matt Dorsey

Branch Manager/MLO

NMLS# 295483

CMG Home Loans

1387 Harbor View Road
Charleston, SC 29412

Phone: (843) 364-7330